Disclaimer: MageHost has joined forces with Savvii. Therefore, these articles are only relevant to existing MageHost customers. For more information on this, visit www.savvii.com/en/magehost.  

You can execute this script to create a backup of the files on the hosting account:


This script will:

Create a backup in ~/backup containing the contents of the locations:

  • ~/httpdocs
  • ~/public_html
  • ~/www
  • ~/magento
  • ~/magento2

If one of these directories is a symlink, it will try to backup the location the link is pointing to.

The script will exclude certain locations like:

  • var/session
  • var/cache
  • var/log
  • var/report
  • media/catalog/product/cache
  • media/import
  • media/tmp

When finished the script will show the name and location of the backup.