Disclaimer: MageHost has joined forces with Savvii. Therefore, these articles are only relevant to existing MageHost customers. For more information on this, visit www.savvii.com/en/magehost.
If you are running Magento and you want to backup the database currently in use, you can execute inside a SSH shell:
The script will:
If you want to create a backup of you Magento 1.x database you can use n98-magerun, for example a development backup without customer data:
n98-magerun db:dump -c gzip --strip=@development ~/backup/db_dev.sql.gz
If you want to create a backup of you Magento 2.x database you can use n98-magerun2, for example a development backup without customer data:
n98-magerun2 db:dump -c gzip --strip=@development ~/backup/db_dev.sql.gz
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