MageHost - Requirements to investigate an issue

Gewijzigd op Di, 20 Dec, 2022 om 1:02 PM

Disclaimer: MageHost has joined forces with Savvii. Therefore, these articles are only relevant to existing MageHost customers. For more information on this, visit  

We understand if something strange happens on your webshop, you would like the help of MageHost to solve the problem. Especially when you possibly did not change anything, so it was likely caused by the hosting?

Possible causes of a problem happening

  • A release of new code
  • A database change
  • A configuration change by someone with backend access
  • A bug in code suddenly appearing because of a certain situation
  • A change at one of the external parties you are connected to
  • A visitor or robot doing strange or harmful things in your webshop
  • A change or other problem in hosting

Steps to be taken by developers

  • Create a step by step description how to repeat the problem
  • Check the error logs and application logs
  • Ask around if any of your colleagues has changed anything
  • Try to repeat the problem on a staging environment

When requesting help from MageHost

  • Provide a step by step description how to repeat the problem
  • Tell us if it is possible to repeat on Staging, we prefer to try solutions on a development environment
  • Provide related application errors or log lines
  • Explain why you think the problem is caused by the hosting
  • Tell us who the technical contact person is for the issue on your side, make sure he or she is available for further communication till the problem is solved


Development Team or Agency

  • The application, for example Magento or Shopware
    • Installation
    • Configuration
    • Improvements
    • Maintenance
    • Monitoring
    • Security
  • Database content
  • Cron jobs
  • Deployment systems
  • .htaccess files
  • Varnish VCL configuration
  • IP blacklisting and whitelisting
  • Restoring a backup


  • Hosting Services like Apache, HAProxy, PHP-FPM, ElasticSearch, Redis, Varnish
  • Installation
  • Configuration
  • Monitoring
  • Updates
  • Server security
  • Server OS upgrades
  • Changes only MageHost has access to (sudo/root)
  • Creating backups
  • Providing a backup to the developers on request

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